Le Mont Saint Michel er et fransk mærke grundlagt i 1913.
De blev hurtigt berømte for deres arbejdstøj, brugt af håndværkere og landmænd igennem hele det 20 århundrede.
Genuine Work Jacket er et af de oprindelige designs.
Enkel, funktionel og lavet i langtidsholdbar lækker bomulds kvalitet.
Hos os finder du nøje udvalgte styles fra aktuel kollektion.
Herunder et lille skriv fra Le Mont Saint Michel, hvor de fortælle lidt om deres rejse.
Le Mont St Michel is a young brand with a long history. Specialized in everlasting Workwear since 1913, the brand is taken over in 1998 by Alexandre Milan which turns it into a urban & modern fashion label, still in line with the functional soul coming from its workwear legacy.
Alexandre Milan added to this legacy his own family craftsmanship - which is almost as old : the legacy of Les Tricotages de L'Aa ("Aa Knitting Factory"), factory founded by his great grandmother in 1919. The brand's design studio is still located in the very same beautiful location of the Monthorin Castle in French Brittany, where we meticulously store decades of textile archives: a genuine treasure when it comes to inspiration which and which we revisit for each collection.